Provisional designations - Discoveries of station 327

The table contains all provisional designations from the corrected (alls IDs from dbl.txt and ids.txt are used) dataset UNNOBS of the Minor planet Center, for which the station 327 has made the discovery observations itself or has assigned a discovery star. Please be aware, that the designation must not be the discovery due to further identifications.

Created at 10-07-2024 04:29:07.

Nr Designation Short Obs start Obs end Int Discovery Sta Obs Own Sta Opp Stars Reason
1 1995 TJ1 J95T01J 1995 10 14 1995 10 28 14 1995 10 14 327 12 6 2 1 327 Rule & star
2 1997 TT25 J97T25T 1997 10 12 2020 03 05 8180 1997 10 12 327 168 29 21 3 327 Rule & star
3 1998 PR1 J98P01R 1998 08 01 1998 08 01 1 1998 08 01 327 3 3 1 1 327 Rule & star
4 1998 SV167 J98SG7V 1998 09 23 1998 09 23 1 1998 09 23 327 3 3 1 1 327 Rule & star
5 1999 TZ323 J99TW3Z 1999 10 15 1999 10 15 1 1999 10 15 327 2 2 1 1 327 Rule & star
6 2000 CL33 K00C33L 1995 09 28 2007 12 20 4467 1995 09 28 327 73 7 13 3 704 Rule
7 2000 XX10 K00X10X 1996 09 21 2024 03 10 10032 1996 09 21 327 287 7 16 14 327 691 G96 I16 Rule & star
8 2002 RZ248 K02RO8Z 2002 09 05 2023 06 17 7590 2002 09 05 327 93 7 7 9 327 645 Rule & star
9 2002 VA155 K02VF5A 2002 09 06 2002 11 06 61 2002 09 06 327 11 4 3 1 644 Rule
10 2005 ES321 K05EW1S 2005 03 11 2005 03 13 3 2005 03 11 327 4 4 1 1 327 Rule & star
11 2016 NU56 K16N56U 1998 08 22 2023 03 27 8983 1998 08 22 327 48 6 5 7 327 F51 Rule & star
12 2016 PV66 K16P66V 1997 10 09 2022 01 06 8855 1997 10 09 327 99 3 13 3 F51 Rule
13 2016 QM K16Q00M 1998 08 26 2020 12 10 8142 1998 08 26 327 67 6 4 7 327 691 691 Rule & star
14 2019 SK73 K19S73K 1998 08 22 2024 09 12 9518 1998 08 22 327 63 6 6 4 327 G96 Rule & star
Sum           10 years     93    

Discovery counts: 3 'only rule' discoveries. 11 'star and rule' discoveries. 14 is the possible sum of discoveries. Unfortunately the station missed 12 discoveries.

Nr: Running number.
Designation: Long designation of the object.
Short: Packed designation of the object.
Obs start: First date for this designation (may be not the first date for object due to prediscovery identifications).
Obs end: Last date for this designation (may be not the last date for object due to later identifications).
Int: Difference between last and first date in days.
Discovery: Date of discovery for this designation.
Sta: Discovery station.
Obs: Number of observations for this object.
Own: Number of own observations for this object.
Sta: Number of stations for this object.
Opp: Number of observed oppositions for this object.
Stars: Stations with discovery stars in all observations of this object. The 'real' discovery station is mostly the first one. Sometimes you must check the details of publication date and the sending date (which you may know, when you sent the data).
Reason: The reason of discovery. Rule is the MPC rule and star means the first asterisk in observations.

This work is made with data from the Minor Planet Center.